Dental Disease
More than 75% of pets have some degree of dental disease by 3 years of age, making dental disease the most common health condition to affect pets.
Dental disease causes much more than bad breath, and can lead to significant discomfort and pain for many pets. Additionally, oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream, and travel to the heart, kidneys, and other organs, causing serious damage. Now, the good news: Dental disease is completely preventable with routine dental care. Our veterinary team will evaluate your pet’s dental health during their annual wellness visit, and educate you about how to properly care for their teeth.
Dental Care
Like you, your pet requires regular professional dental cleanings, in addition to daily toothbrushing. A veterinary dental cleaning, which takes place while your pet is under anesthesia, includes whole-mouth dental X-rays, a thorough oral exam, and tooth scaling and polishing. Our veterinarians can also provide advanced dental care, including extractions and other surgical procedures, if needed. While some pets may benefit from annual professional dental cleanings, our team will work with you to help determine what is most appropriate for your pet.